Just looked at a house in a recently developed auburban zone. Absolute nightmare. All those trees torn down for rows and rows of identical gray houses with nothing to walk to but a copy psted childrens park with again zero trees. All with like 20 mins drive to anything with humanity.
@mauve and here am I bitching about people invading the countryside around my boat (mobile home). I'll shut up.
@happyborg we're all in this hell together even if we're on different rings 💜
@mauve true.
@mauve I’d love to see the houses this type developer lives in. I’m sure they’re unique, with loads of landscaping and shady outdoor areas. Why build these landlocked prisons?
@tsmyther it pains me how the wealthy can't see pas their own wallet. Then again that seems to be a requisit for wealth.
Everywhere I look there's just islands of grey sameness infected with franchises owned by a few duopolies siphoning the life out of residents after destroying the life that was once thriving on the land.