One thing I like about chronological timelines is I have no clue who I follow is "an influencer" or a random shitposter. A person with 100 followers is just as visible as 100 thousand.
on algo based media it's just mostly cool kida that get shoved in people's faces and I guess into each others faces.
Social network UI musings
I still want to see a Home feed that's a list of *people* with their 1 most recent post/boost/whatever, rather than a list of posts/boosts/whatever.
So if you follow 10 people you'll see exactly 10 things (and if they've all boosted the same thing recently you'll see a chorus of consensus). And that 1 noisy person is no more overwhelming than anyone else.
I imagined that one day I'd make a Scuttlebutt client with this as the front page, but alas it has not yet been “one day”.
Given that social networks are theoretically for making connections with people and being ambiently aware of what they're up to, it's *weird* that to see the people I'm theoretically connected with, I have to dig into Mastodon's preferences, and even then it doesn't actually show me what they're up to.
So everyone has to keep saying *something* — any old shite — otherwise people will forget you exist. It's optimised for noisiness.
Seems far smarter to me to say “when I follow you, you get 1 (one) slot in my Home feed. Put whatever you like in it.”
Oh hey, maybe this is the next big fad in social media: if I *really* like you I can *double-follow* you, and then you get 2 (two) slots in my Home feed!
Teenagers will embark upon bitter feuds because one is octuple-following the other, but they're only hextuple-following them back — an outrageous snub…
Social network UI musings
@greytheearthling Yeah IMO this is why ActivityPub should have a standard for querying data in your inbox simar to Triple Pattern Fragments or even SPARQL. Then this stuff can be done on the client instead of the server.
@mauve I just assume we’re all random shitposters who are mostly kind