It'd be cool if one could open an EventSource on an OrderedCollection to subscribe for changes in a user's outbox, This could be used as a basis for real time chats and games.

Probably needs to be on top of HTTP2/3 to handle more subscriptions over a single connection.

Maybe even with a Triple Pattern Fragments querystring to filter by Activity type/author/cc/etc?

@mauve I think this would be interesting, but you've gotta look at the scaling issues that may be faced, and how that data would be consumed.


@thisismissem Yup! I've done a lot of work with scaling EventSource, HTTP2, and push based stuff in general. :)

I'm thinking I'll eventually start working on something similar to SOLID pods but more client-side.

· · Web · 1 · 0 · 1

@mauve SOLID pods have a Notification Protocol that you might be interested in.

@thisismissem Interesting. Seems to be an order of magnitude more complex than what I had in mind, but it covers a lot more cases which is interesting.

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