Question for americans: Do y'all still get free covid testing kits and vaccines at your local pharmacies?

@mauve No, they're $24 at the pharmacy. However USPS just restarted their free ship-to-home covid tests as of this morning.


@j3rn dang! That's pretty pricy. My roomies are sick right now and I'm prettty thankful I ca just get to thenearest pharmacy and get as many as they need. Glad to hear there's free options for folks over there still. Ty for the info!

@mauve No problem! I've been stocking tests pretty regularly and—you're right—they're not cheap! I also discovered that I'm COVID+ this morning, so I'm in the same boat as your roomies (albeit, the boat here is more expensive because America and the ones from USPS won't ship until Monday).

@j3rn Jeeze, sorry to hear you're positive. I wish you a swift recovery with minimal side effects 🙏🙏

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