
Hey! Looking to set up a peertube account to post videos related to , , and

Any suggestions for instances that explicitly have some of these focuses? Ideally a more "professional" environment. Something like fosstodon but for video.

Boosts appreciated. 🙇

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@mauve boosting and also curious where i should be leaving my video encoded nuggets

@mauve Unrelated, but I watched a video on a PeerTube instance the other day and was pleasantly surprised that it just worked? I downloaded most of it from other peers, uploaded a bunch, no buffering or video playback hiccups and looked great at 1080p. Pretty wild stuff.


I was looking for instances too. Most instances were closed for new publishers or requested a reviewing process, which was not a problem.
I found these two open for registration without a review process.

Check those:

@Blue_Jersey Excellent thank you I'll check em out and see what my coworkers think 🙇

@mauve I'm not sure it's exactly what you're looking for but just in case it might be worth checking out

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