
facebook/threads gripes, sarcasm 

Don't worry folks! The people in charge of standards bodies will make sure that Facebooks feelings aren't hurt as they try to appropriate and destroy the fediverse. 🥰

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facebook/threads gripes, sarcasm 

@mauve more to the point is that the code of conduct exists for a reason: to create a positive environment & workplace for all. If you let members attack one workplace, then what's recourse when they attack another?

It's not about creating a safe environment for Meta employees, but for everyone contributing.

facebook/threads gripes, sarcasm 

@thisismissem Which attack did you see in this case? No names were called no insults to character. Is expressing any sort of anxiety for the hands of a big bully in your space an attack? The massive power imbalance is real and the threat of violence from facebook is everpresent even if people are "being nice" to each other.

facebook/threads gripes, sarcasm 

@mauve maybe you're seeing something out of context, the reply citing code of conduct was in response to a reply stating "Embrace, extend, extinguish" on a thread congratulating Meta/Threads on implementing federation:

Like, it's clearly a snide comment, and does little to advance conversation.

facebook/threads gripes, sarcasm 

@mauve it's be similar to someone announcing a project and getting a comment back saying "Platform XYZ does this better" or "Ugh, Metaverse on Fediverse" these don't actually bring value, and it's not like the people participating in the community group don't know political concerns, they're just saying: let's focus on the groups objectives to advance ActivityPub and the fediverse.

facebook/threads gripes, sarcasm 

@mauve i do hope facebook takes mental health days, it is really pushing itself!

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