
Having tested a bunch of projects, I gotta say that OpenHermes 2.5 is the most helpful out of the ones I can run locally.

I recently wasted a bunch of time getting Phi-2 to do some summarization work, and it just couldn't stay focused for more than a sentence or two.

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Hmm, after testing the raw Phi 2 within LM Studio instead of the examples provided by HuggingFace candle, I think it's actually pretty decent after all.

Specifically I got phi 2 Q4_K_S gguf working from TheBloke.

Can't get that model running with candle since it can't seem to load the model weight.

@mauve I was tinkering with ollama for a bit, but my local hardware just isn't fast enough to make it useful.

@skryking What have you been using to run the models? I find LM Studio really nice for tinkering.

I find Q4 quantized models work pretty well on my steam deck.

@mauve ollama will download and host the models and setup a api port for interacting with them. I've done it in a VM and locally...alas I don't have any hardware that will do much acceleration at the moment. I'm stuck with an old rx580 card and its on a windows box so rocm doesn't work very well if at all.

@skryking Nice. I only do CPU workloads. Try running phi 2 some time! It's super low in resurce usage. Particually the Q4 quantized models.

@mauve Thanks for the suggestion, I just fired it up...that one is definitely faster than llama2 on cpu mode only.

@skryking it has less innate knowledge of facts but it is pretty good at "reasoning". I'm gonna teach it to make function calls and traverse datasets + summarize stuff. 😁

@mauve I really just need to get off my lazy butt and buy a new graphics card so I can do more acceleration.

@mauve do you have any documentation / links of how you teach it to use functions?

@skryking This post by @simon is what exposed me to the idea for the first time:

I also have a slightly improved prompt here:

I'll likely be publishing any new work as open source on Github. :) Probably with Rust.

@mauve @simon Interesting, I started Learning Rust yesterday as something new to muck around with as a hobby.

@skryking Nice. I've been wanting to get into Rust for years but didn't have much of a use case. Now with the candle library from HuggingFace and my latest adventures with LLMs I've had an actual reason to write something in it. :)

@mauve yeah I'm still hunting for a use case at the moment. Something non work related and interesting enough to keep my old hard to focus brain interested.

@skryking For me it was more that I can finally make this stuff work related and potentially find clients to pay me to mess with it. :P Sadly my hand pain makes computer touching less appealing off the clock.

@mauve have you heard of a community somewhere (lemmy? matrix?) where we could share our experiences?

We (@codelutin) may want to start to play with things but "it's dangerous to go alone". There is @stablehorde lead by @Db0 which is a great start (but I won't join a Discord 😔)

@lutindiscret @mauve @codelutin @Db0 you can use our lemmy instance as a community. I could also look into setting a matrix bridge to our discord you won't have access to all channels but you'd be able to interact with questions etc

@mauve there are also quantized versions of the French project Mixtral that can run locally

@laskov Oh yeah, I read their release but haven't used it yet. Was there anything specific they excelled at?

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