Sad again about how single window applications are the norm. So much screen real estate wasted and so much multitasking limited just cause the app decided it should handle tabs / views and only let you load a single window.

@mauve yeah this annoys me very much with desktop mastodon apps. I want to spread columns on multiple screens without having a column getting split in the middle.


@skryking That's one thing I appreciate about most web apps. At least I can open them in another window. Sadly something like Element seems to keep a bunch of state in the render thread and only allows one instance at a time which I think is bonkers for a chat app.

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@mauve I've been playing with the mastodon api and thinking about writing my own client. I haven't done much desktop development so not really sure where to go with that. Is there a decent cross os library for gui development that would allow multiple window development? I pick up languages relatively fast so that's not a huge issue.

@skryking Every time I look at cross platform GUI toolkits I get sad. Seems that Electron / Tauri are the most accessivle cross platform with their web stuff, followed by QT with decent reach but complex SDK setup.

@mauve tauri says it will do multiwindow, I'll give it a tinker.

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