
One bit of UX that should be mandatory is a "never ask again" option on every dialog. Thunderbird is particularly annoying here since it keeps popping up random shit that I have to close every time. If I wanted to verify the pgp signature I would have by now. If I wanted to compact my emails I would have by now. Just leave me alone and let me read my stuff.

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@mauve Thunderbird UI is being made steadily worse. I've used it for so many years, and now it's like some corporation has taken it over and gives no shits about users.

@mauve ux that should be mandatory is to not have pgp in your app :p

@mauve A real mindbender is when this option accompanies the ‘remember me’ question.

Like, presumably ‘never ask again’ is meant to persist somehow, but since the question is about the length of the session it’s ambiguous how it’ll persist (to the session? to the account? to the device?)

Microsoft made an… interesting decision to persist both choices to the session, so as soon as the session ends you’ll get asked again, every time.

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