While some folks are trying to move towards "Lets put everything into WASM and WebGPU" I wish more folks would move towards "Lets put everything into standard data formats and let users bring their UI to the data more easily".

@boris Yeah defs not saying people shouldn't go the wasm route. More that I only see that direction and almost non of the other. I think the closest I see is Solid data pods but that still leaves much to be desired IMO (e.g. efficient querying, general DX).

@mauve we’ve been trying to get to this for years but mostly there isn’t interest from it on the dev or user side.

Re-using commercial cloud data might be a path (eg attach your Dropbox or Nextcloud as a synch store where stuff gets persisted)


@boris I was thinking of doing something closer to / where there are existing data sources and you make them available behind a standard API and interface. I'm thinking socials, chat, events, wikis.

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