@zachleat Honestly this fine. I can read that code. I can find what I need to edit it quickly and easily. It’s right next to the markup it is coupled to. I can predict exactly what my changes will do and what code will be affected. I can rest easy knowing I haven’t broken something somewhere else. I have this wrapped in a component for easy reuse.

@andrewfeeney @zachleat i bet you never tried writing a userstyle for nonsense html like this 😛.


@sofia @andrewfeeney @zachleat My hot take: More apps / pages should be constrained to system/user styles. 😈 As much as I love that designers can be employed it's so expensive to do and maintain and users end up being less empowered, especially if they have accessibility needs. I have such a hard time reading sites with fancy designs 😭 RSS was peak content consumption tbh.

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