What sort of APIs should I connect my functiom calling example model to? So far it's connected to wikipedia so that it can look up the latest facts

@mauve me neither lol , did you have a particular space of apis you have in mind ?


@fleeky Stuff like searching github, running shell scripts, checking my emails. Generally individual function calls that take in and output text

@mauve having a bunch of shell scripts that can be called by an ai seems like a pretty good one hmm ..

@mauve heard of wled ?
it has an http api :)

so you could use whisper to do speach to txt and then llm function calls to control the lighting in your house?

@fleeky I actually used Vosk for my talk today with my wikipedia enabled agent and it's way faster and more accurate than whisper (for the small models)

@mauve also i have a custom lighting system i designed that talks over telnet ,, could probably use an llm to issue commands hmmm

@fleeky Oh yeah! My mind goblin demo uses JavaScript so you could use any javascript function that takes json and outputs json

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