
LMAO TypeScript brings me so much pain. For every bug it catches I get hours of fussing around with tools and versioning issues.

@mauve i considered using plain js with jsdoc for typechecking through tsc for the latest project, so that tsc is the only thing requiring setup. otherwise no build step, no typescript-eslint, etc. but you can't easily pass generic type parameters in jsdoc, so ultimately decided against it...

@ww Yeah I feel you, had the same situation in the past. Tbh tests have been good enough for catching most issues for me and when I really want types I can go use a typed language that was actually made for it 😅 TS is neat but it ends up limiting you when what you really want is JS

@mauve my issue is that unless you're doing oop with classes for anything complex, you have to document your data structures somehow, and there really isn't a good way to do that in dynamic languages :( so for my team the pros of ts outweigh the cons, but i do wish there was another way.

@ww Yeah that's totally understandable. Having structs documented and their flow through the code is super handy. Lately I've been using classes a lot in vanilla JS and the clarity in structure has been nice. Not super OOP tho

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