reply here if you want me to explain, or DM if you want

the "internet" or the "net" is the computer network that uses the IP suite. TCP/IP based communication is arguably the most common, but UDP/IP is common too, and some other pairings exist as well

the "web" or "world wide web" is a collection of technologies built on TOP of the internet which specify a particular model for applications. the main two of these are HTML (hypertext markup language) and HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol)

CSS and JS and a variety of other things are also part of the web, of course. basically whatever the w3c is doing is arguably "the web", but not all of it

but the web is merely one of many things that run on top of the internet. SMTP for email, FTP for file transfers, SSH for secure connections to remote machines, IRC for chat, and many other things run on the _net_ but not on the _web_


@beka_valentine It frustrates me a bit tjat web browsers no longer support protocols outside of HTTP and that cloud folks have pretty much solidified on using HTTP everywhere as well. 🤔

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