I've noticed that the AI code completion stuff that all my code editors added and automatically enabled against my wishes only help you with writing new code. Since vim inputs are all text, some industrious folks could train an LLM to refactor code in vim and it would make an entertaining talk. @mauve ?


@brandon That's a really cool idea. Getting the training data might be hard though. You could record a note on what you're doing and save that with the code diff and key strokes I'd imagine. What sorts of edits were you thinking? I regularly get continue.dev with phi3 to do small code edits / refactors

@mauve Well I was thinking you could just have a plugin that records your source code before and I guess your cursor position and then it just guesses what string of vim commands you might do. I can think of some incredibly better ways to do this sort of thing, but those ideas like the scrappy fun of the original.

@brandon I'm guessing training a bespoke neural net with reinforcemwnt learning might be better. Might want to train it a bit first but them reward it when it predicts your next move accurately

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