I think what I want instead of apps is a standard datamodel in a graph database with live queries I can tie to table views.

@mauve I can't give you table views, but that's pretty much what I built Restagraph to do.
If you need a GUI (or any other kind of UI), you build it on top of the API.


@KatS Do you have any example projects building on it out there? Sounds relevant to what I'm into.

· · Web · 1 · 0 · 1

@mauve There's Syscat, which is what I was originally building when Restagraph kinda fell out of it as a general-purpose API-first knowledge-management engine in its own right.

If you think those HTML UIs look crude, it's because UI design is not my forte :)

FWIW, it's using Neo4j as the graph DBMS.

@KatS Nice. Yeah I was considering just using Neo4j but I wasn't sure if the max node limit would be something I'd run into. I think my matrix server data alone leads me to at least a few million records.

@mauve I can't find the max-size information as easily as I used to, but I do remember the claim that it scales to billions of nodes.

@KatS Oh good, I think back when it first came out there was a max size limitation. Glad my knowledge is out of date on that!

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