Mayve if the wev gets overrun with shit and becomes unusable the average persob will get off aocial media and get back to physical networks and the weirdos can have their space since it becomes too unprofitable for corpos to spend as much time here. It sucks we'll miss out on some of the social benefits but the current state is automated rage bait hell which isn't great for society IMO

@mauve I do sort of think the Internet being a weird place for weird people was a key to the magic and the always online race to the bottom status quo is basically untenable ... as to what people will do ... ? I heard once irc has self filtered for weirdos bc it's clunky. I wonder if clunky protocols with a barrier to entry will serve the same function


@kon I use IRC regularly via my matrix bridge. There's some funky folks out there. I'm not sure which servers are popular these days.

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