Imagine if #Firefox, #Chrome, and their derivatives could render Markdown, AsciiDoc, LaTeX, EPUB, and Gemtext as seamlessly as they handle PDFs. This could revolutionize the way we publish lightweight websites, making it as simple as dropping a text file into a directory.

#smolweb #smallweb #indieweb

(somebody knows an influential person at @mozilla ?)

@adele @mozilla I've used Agregore on desktop to render local markdown files before (the Android version does not render Markdown last time I tested), so I know that works. Guessing it should work for hosted files as well, just haven't tried.

Tested on a remote file today and it did not work. Though it might be worth reaching out to @mauve about this subject, they do a ton of work in the p2p and distributed space, might know of an existing option.


@terrantechpriest The way the renderer works in Agregore is it detects the mime type of a page in a web extension and then injects js+html to render the page. Sadly this means the webserver with the data needs to serve the correct mime type else it triggers a download. I've been considering doing some hacks on the http headers to work around it tho.

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