Is there a white label, "preconfigurable" AP client already?

Usecase: a network of blogs in a single domain (say a wordpress multisite with activitypub preset) is set up for a trade union.

There's HQ, someones local branch and a few hundred other branches.

A new member of org gets a link to a client app with their account pre-configured, and set up to follow their branch and HQ, could see all other in the instance view.

The no-config part would be crucial.

#askfedi #fediverse #unions

@harce that's something we could potentially reconfigure for if y'all have a budget for building stuff.

@mauve I think a more conventional app, with a client account to really get these people onto fedi, would be optiomal here, but great to learn about your project!
Ill keep note for other projects!


@harce Do you have a particular server you've got your eye on like Mastodon? It shouldn't be too much work to fork and add an "invite links" feature if there isn't one already. I'd advocate for using the web app instead of dealing with native too.

@mauve as in the origial post - im thinking wordpress, as it has all the other functionality needed, and we're already building some other tools for it.

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