In 2022 I stopped using Twitter and got a bike, in 2023 I stopped using Google Calendar and got a pocket notepad and a wristwatch, and in 2024 I tried to read more (radical) news on paper, buying them cash. I feel in 2025 I really should stop using any Google product voluntarly (I still use Youtube, Maps, and Image Search a lot), replacing them with super private alternatives, ideally fully offline, or even replacing them with analog counterparts. 😬 Messaging will be for 2026 I guess. 😮‍💨

I want a good offline OSM app, a good offline Wikipedia app, a good local-first CRDT-based calendar app, a good local-first CRDT-based notes apps. I want external data I consume to work fully offline and to not just be a cache of what I already consumed, I want to be able to share the data I downloaded between my machines, I want data I produce to be only live on my machines and to be automatically replicated between them. I don't want to leave traces unwillingly for every mundain thing I do.


@KekunPlazas I'm in the process of migrating to "Organic Maps" which is going well so far.

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