What's the point of money when billionaires think they can just throw humanity away and live in their bunkers as we all starve and die of disease. Why do we keep participating in this stupid system made to grind us into a pulp so some rich kid can idle away and jerk off to how meritocratic everything is.
@mauve I welcome the day we can seal them in their concrete tombs forever tbh
@BigTittyBimbo I expect they'll be eatem alive by robot dogs because they were scared of being eaten alive by their security team. The hubris of the wealthy should have lead to their demise years ago.
@BigTittyBimbo from what I understand they're literally looking at robots and brain chips that enforce loyalty because they are intimately aware of this fact
@BigTittyBimbo Yeah I think they'll find they're SOL and that leaving humanity behind while living in the luxury they're acccustomed to isn't gonna happen. TBH in their place I'd just scale down my bunker needs and spend the next decade actually learning the trades I'd need to maintain stuff myself and abandon luxury for my last few decades of life
@mauve You cannot survive in luxury, that's not what "surviving" means and these people are gonna learn this the hard way.
@mauve I don't see a single ex Navy seal getting a brain chip for money he could make murdering children for a mercenary company.