Am I crazy for pushing back on "#JS #SPA frontend by default"?

For 2 years I have been working for the French public service on a business logic app, mostly lists and forms with neat UX.

The tech is boring. PHP, Symfony, Twig templates. Treat: Turbo, Stimulus, custom elements, for those required bits of interactivity.

Hell it works. It's fast. It doesn't break. Been updating deps monthly a/o breaking changes. Never had to rewrite!

Am I crazy, or are we fooled by the JS industrial complex?

@florimond the amount I enjoyed working with JavaScript went up my a significant amount when I gave myself permission to ignore all of the modern React/Vue/Svelte/etc stuff and just write good-old-fashioned vanilla JavaScript that manipulates the DOM

Vanilla JS is so much nicer today than it was 10 years ago!

Honestly, anything with a frontend build system these days just makes me miserable


@simon @florimond Big mood. I've been sticking to vanilla dom and web componeny APIs with just depencies for performing single functions like parsing or 3d rendering. It feels good to not have all my code break after a few months because react had to reinvent itself yet again.

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