war worries
@mauve serious question: would canada actually go to war with the great satan? in my mind canada is to america what austria was to nazi germany
war worries
@garbados There's some bootlickers that want to bow down but generally people tell them to get fucked and call them out for the traitorous scum they are 🤷
war worries
@mauve i love to see covetous settlers fight. i checked with my military friends and basically you will see war coming long before it begins. right now, it's just sparkling posturing and some delicious anti-americanism
war worries
@garbados My hope is that it'll be a trade war rather than going right to military (if it happens at all). I think a bunch of Canadian politician types are shit talking the US on their ability to successfully maintain occupations especially as their global hold is in the middle of being dissolved. 🤷 I like the fan theory of the US balkanizing and NY trying to link up with Canada :P