
ChatGPT is scary because it's a "yes and" machine for feeding into people's delusions. The lower information someone is the more at risk they are to get sucked into niche belief systems while being fed endless streams of affirming bullshit.

I've seen some stuff on tiktok where folks just ask ChatGPT leading questions about things that patently make no sense and it'll just feed into it and add exciting new details in an authoritative tone. Meanwhile people in the comments will start spewing their personal delusions and "conspiracy theories" to further rabbithole each other from reality.

It's actually so over.

@mauve a lot like algorithm-driven social media in this way!

@aparrish Yeah the two systems really feed into each other. I think that combined with lonely (vulnerable) people turning to digital social interactions makes a perfect machine for chewing people up and further isolating them.

@mauve I actually specified in my ChatGPT "traits" that it should tell me if what I'm asking about is dumb or a bad idea. So far I don't think it's openly acknowledged this except for when I asked o3 the other day "what word means ..." and it told me that the word it suggested "was not ill-advised" 😆

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