
I probably play 3x more for self-hosting my own matrix/mastodon/etc than I would for paying someone else to handle all that.

It'd be nice if we didn't need to host _anything_ in order to use information technology. Maybe just for backups.

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Also been thinking of setting up my own dedicated hardware for self-hosting instead of using Digital Ocean and I think the labor cost + hardware cost for doing that will be even higher than just using Digital Ocean. 😅

@mauve for big enterprisey software services: probably true

still gotta put in a shout for using business class machines à la thinkcentre et al as a personal server, very good price for what you're getting + easier to buy them used than new as they're discontinued on a schedule in offices

@cblgh :O Thanks for the tip. I was initially looking at server racks and Intel NUC style devices. I think I'd still need to figure out a custom internet connection which'd give decent outbound. Mine start puking when I do anything more than a megabit or so.

@mauve haha oh shit yeah i could totally see you go for a bunch of U's :> uplink sounds like a bummer atm, dang! tomesh to the network egress? :~

@cblgh 👀 Having a mesh would be swell actually. I think there was legislation passed recently that made it easier to connect to the internet backbone in Canada.

In general Canadian ISPs are a duoploy and actively engage in anti-competitive legislation to make internet shit for everyone here. 😅

@mauve oopf that duopoly status really sucks :x inb4 you become an isp? ontop of like... eeeeverything else

@cblgh God I wish. 😭😭😭😭 Maybe if I move somewhere a bit more rural than Ottawa where it'd be more worth the effort vs just dealing with the pain of the duopoly. 🤔

Realistically, after I get another grant or two with the Wakoma folks to get p2p stuff working on mesh networks I should be able to reproduce that in local contexts.

@mauve I have the same question myself.
I dropped self-host mastodon and matrix for the time-consuming (and the huge costs in Brazil) problem.
Maybe I'll use some old servers to create a home data-center and share with some comrades the admin burden and the costs.

@lumen Oh jeeze yeah, I can imagine the costs are even more unreasonable given the average income in Brazil 😱

Sharing the burden with other seems to be in the spirit of running federated infrastructure too.

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