
How many windows do you typically have visible on your screen at any given time?

I just realized recently that a lot of folks only have one at a time which blew my mind since I usually have a dozen or so at a time. :P

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@mauve i only do 1 visible at a time, but i often have a second one audible (i like to listen to shows i've watched before while i do stuff)

@rose_alibi Ooo, audible is a good axis to measure too! I usually have at least one, but I've managed to multiplex like three streams of info at once before. :P

I think I had to sacrifice a part of my soul for that one so it's not a longer term thing, but it's possible! :P

@mauve i can't do more than 1 audio stream, but i can definitely listen to a show while reading an article or something

@rose_alibi Do you find you miss out on the show more when you do so? I find I can only process language to a certain fidelity if I'm not focused on it.

Generally I can let my body do functions while my mind processes language, but two language streams (regardless of sensory input) at once end up leaving one of them less coherent. 😅

I think audio tends to be easier since sometimes I can multiplex conversations, but I can't multiplex reading / coding.

@mauve not really, but maybe because i never get that invested😆

@mauve I'm primarily a Windows programmer and I usually have 3 to 5 windows on screen, unless I'm reviewing something (such as bug reports) in my web browser, which is then the only thing visible on my screen (with 20+ tabs at the top of the window), because it's maximized. Otherwise it's just the window that's visible behind all the other windows (unless I'm working in a full-screen debugger, which itself has multiple open panes).

@bhaugen Yeah, tabs are a pretty handy way of having a bunch of things in a sort of "cache" to bring up on demand.

It's a shame that more OSs don't take advantage of tabs as a fundamental feature users are encouraged to use.

@mauve @bhaugen check out how Haiku OS can combine windows into docked and tabbed windows, even from multiple apps:

Check the stack & tile section.

@mauve Usually 1 window visible per screen, 2 if I need to look at both of them, many virtual desktops to switch between (macOS). Oddly I don't make use of virtual desktops on Windows which I suspect is because I don't have the quick gesture control to get to it over there... But my Windows machine has two monitors so it works out reasonably with my desktop workloads.

@cblgh @mauve
i have 4-5 but 2-3 sets of those and switching between and dozens, maybe more if that includes tabs 🙃

@serapath @cblgh @mauve avid full-screen app user and compulsory app switcher. See me at any given time just randomly swipe around while I try to rediscover my train of thought in one of the apps (or - more likely - a new one).

@mauve i voted "2", but that may be misleading because i typically have 2 screens with 1 window each.

@mauve 8+ on each different 'desktop' views! mac os is great for handling this creative chaos

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