
While some folks are trying to move towards "Lets put everything into WASM and WebGPU" I wish more folks would move towards "Lets put everything into standard data formats and let users bring their UI to the data more easily".

A big caveat is the data should be queryable. I feel like GraphQL made some progress back in the day but there wasn't enough standardizing on UIs and reusing schemas. It ended up just being used by servers and single app specific UIs.

@boris Yeah defs not saying people shouldn't go the wasm route. More that I only see that direction and almost non of the other. I think the closest I see is Solid data pods but that still leaves much to be desired IMO (e.g. efficient querying, general DX).

@mauve we’ve been trying to get to this for years but mostly there isn’t interest from it on the dev or user side.

Re-using commercial cloud data might be a path (eg attach your Dropbox or Nextcloud as a synch store where stuff gets persisted)

@boris I was thinking of doing something closer to / where there are existing data sources and you make them available behind a standard API and interface. I'm thinking socials, chat, events, wikis.

Yes yes yes yes and even more "lets make data standards that can grow and mutate and meet ppls needs where they are and let ppl design interfaces around those" very much on the same page on this one

@jonny @mauve And I’m very much with you on the growing and mutation and meeting people’s needs. I’d like less structure, more human inference. Less waiting for the consensus of data architects, more slapping bits together now for something someone can *see* the meaning of.

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