

Imagine getting constantly kicked out of groups because you upset people and somehow assume it is always everyone else's problem.

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Who knows 🙂

Maybe it's always the same kind of people thinking the world is just them, when in fact they just have strong authoritarian tendencies and have an inability to communicate, so the only way to channel their emotions triggered by unreflectedness is to ban and kick ppl.
I think we generally need more offers for people to learn how to communicate to be bale to communicate instead of constantly being triggerd. I would think they take themselves to serious 🫤


@serapath This sort of stuff is exactly why you keep getting kicked out of groups. Saying that people are "triggered" instead of listening to their feelings and admitting personal fault makes for a toxic interaction. You suck at communicating to a point people block you and then pretend it is their fault. Notice how basically nobody else in the ecosystem causes the issues you do and basically nobody else causes the amount of drama that you do.



Do they admit my feelings?
It is a small clique of self proclaimed leftists that behave absolutely authoritarian. They dont have code of conducts. They swing the ban hammer as soon as anything controversial is brought up and instead of sharing any arguments they bring in their feeling, disrespecting the feelings of anyone else.

It's a lame excuse and the actual toxic behavior. In an online world, kicking and banning is **violence** - the most extreme choice you can make.



I do not suck at communication.
You do an adhominem attack here.

"you suck at communication".
But I do have a lot of patience and take peoples word and talk about issues, but the people i was referring to are not capable of expresisng their thoughts and arguments, so they react purely emotional and often toxic and unfairly.

The world is huge and almost nobody blocked me ever and many people appreciate what i do. It's a hand fullf of very self centered authoritarian leftists only



Also - why does nobody else cause "issues"?

Because nobody else dares to speak up. They either leave or are kicked out. Only more cultish followers remain.

I have never really seen philosophy or values being discussed. It's always just a vibe and who is in charge is implicitly clear - nobody talks about the authoritarian structures. if you question them you get banned. no code of conduct or formal procedure needed.

leftist authoritarian cliques. ..i'm leftist too, but anarchist



You constantly shit talk other projects. You go on huge incoherent rants drowning others out. When people ask you to change something you double down or start shit talking them. When blocked you make new accounts to keep following / ranting at people which is a violation of boundries. When you enter a space you make it instantly more stressful until you finally get kicked out. This is not just me but a pattern others face as well.
Posting on vent post like this is hurtful.


@serapath You are a major reason people get further away from the dat ecosystem. Behavior like this is why it's safer to block you than bother sinking energy into having you mindlessly spew hurtful waste in people's face and be in denial at the outcomes of your actions. And why it's safer for folks to avoid spaces you post than to try to engage and be at risk of you spamming at them.



Maybe the right kinds of people get further away.

I did invite everyone, but they dont want.
They want grant money and see dat as competition to get rid of.

Under cinnamon bun, earthstar was part of dat, but later they wanted to distance themselves before i ever said anything.

Instead i was inviting them or offering talks, but that was mostly ignored.

Dat has a consortium, a 501c3, a code of conduct

Other project have for profit companies who pay salaries and folks like to earn



Actually i don't shit talk other projects.

I mention dat and mention hypercore and get personally attacked and banned for it.

People attack dat or "hyper" for supposedly not being able to delete history or some other kind of "flaws", which are not even true, but cause significant damage to the point that grants are being refused to dat.

A lot of what dat already does since forever is then copied under slight variations into new projects which do get funded.

So who is attacking?


@serapath On top of it all your technical knowledge is not great and you often say things that are wrong or uninformed and bring productive discussion to a halt. You focus on just a tiny sliver of what make sense but generate paragraphs of text that mean basically nothing and have no relevance to conversations that others are trying to have.

It's like talking to an LLM with a high temperature setting and a prompt of "be as unhelpful as possible".


@serapath The way you react to any sort of criticism to not just you but anything related to stuff you have opinions on is like the textbook definition of "male manipulator sociopath". You just gaslight and redirect and pretend like you're a victim. It's like you're following a cliche script but it seems like you are just genuinely so shallow and self centered it's the only way you can operate despite years of room for growth.



And the next "ad hominem attack".

Instead of sharing a specific situation where i did something in a context that you disagree with, you resort to general phrases like:

"textbook definition of male manipulator sociopath"

Did I in all my responses so far say anything about your attitude? your character? your knowledge or skills? did i insult you? nope.

It's only you who does that.

All i said is some folks are very authoritarian and like to kick and ban without any talk



Again, personal attack.
Was it about the issues or arguments? no
Was it about dat? no
Was it about specifically what you disagree with or not in what i did or said? no

It's a ad hominem attack without any specific things - everythin and all interaction i do is "LLM with high temperature setting".

and "your technical knowledge is not great".
As if we ever discussed much tech in detail. Maybe you are projecting - i can't tell, but again, not very constructive.


@serapath You're like the cliche of "freedom of speech means I should get to be an asshole everywhere" embodied as a person and your post here is a great example of that.

Notice how nobody else gets kicked from places except spam bots or open trolls.

Having boundries is the foundation of social relations and you feeling entitled to break them is one of your biggest flaws and why you cannot be trusted to engage in good faith.



I am in very diverse communities.
A lot of "authoritarian left" i saw are mostly all white and male, especially in open source programming.

It's those who are in admin charge of groups and they like to kick and ban as soon as they don't feel good, which is when anything is controversial or against their world view, but instead of discussing this - human to human, ...they just acuse people of not respecting their white ass feelings and claim its disrespecting everyone and kick.



Oh and for sure i am not a "freedom of speech means you can be an asshole everywhere".

In fact in dat-ecosystem, there is a consortium with consensus and a code of conduct and we follow the rules in detail.

The same in all communities i participate in.

Where i run into problems is where people dont even have code of conduct.

So what you accuse me of with very little knowledge is at the end very very likely only one thing:

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