war worries
High key hope I don't get nuked when the US/Canada goes to war 🙃
war worries
@garbados I'm not a WW2 historian so I can't comment on Austria's relation but I can talk about the reactions I'm seeing from Canadians. In general even our conservative trump loving politicians are vocally opposed to any US invasion and there's been unity across the board with even the bloc quebecoise who are separatists. Canadians don't want to go down without a fight so the question is more how that fight would go in reality. The gov is alto taking the threats seriously 🤷
war worries
@garbados There's some bootlickers that want to bow down but generally people tell them to get fucked and call them out for the traitorous scum they are 🤷
war worries
@mauve i love to see covetous settlers fight. i checked with my military friends and basically you will see war coming long before it begins. right now, it's just sparkling posturing and some delicious anti-americanism
war worries
@garbados My hope is that it'll be a trade war rather than going right to military (if it happens at all). I think a bunch of Canadian politician types are shit talking the US on their ability to successfully maintain occupations especially as their global hold is in the middle of being dissolved. 🤷 I like the fan theory of the US balkanizing and NY trying to link up with Canada :P
war worries
@mauve everybody's got a balkanization fan theory. unfortunately it's unlikely, to say the least. which fraction gets to keep the dollar, and what would everyone else do? the pissbaby liberals who constitute the only elected opposition are going to pursue that chaos with the fervency of a dead horse, and everybody else that wants balkanization just got their big man into the despot chair. idk. i'm so tired.
war worries
@garbados I hope we can live to be in uninteresting times sooner than later 🙏
war worries
@mauve serious question: would canada actually go to war with the great satan? in my mind canada is to america what austria was to nazi germany