@mauve congrats, now the fun starts! what’s the grant funding?
@cblgh We're going to be starting with IPFS based apps for this iteration, but I'm hoping to get a bigger grant from FFDW afterwards to fund work on apps with other protocols like hypercore and Earthstar. Probably also do more work on Agregore Mobile as part of that too.
Also! The cool thing about this is that our apps might be compatible with @capyloon which is also incorporating IPFS protocol handlers into their stack!
@cblgh Ty! I'm very excited for it. Hopefully it'll make it easier to onboard people into this space and make p2p web development generally more accessible. 💜
@capyloon Yeah! One thing I hope we have time to make is a js-fiddle type interface so you can make tiny web apps and share them along with an edit button. Also we could edit the fiddle from within itself to make it easier for others to iterate 🤯
@mauve right, "fork from this CID" would be so nice :)
@mauve @capyloon I'm currently trying to accelerate the emergence of that particular collective creativity driver with wit-wasm component systems. Some of the pieces are there.
I'm a little worried it'll emerge first in Replit, though. Right now replit doesn't even seem to provide lambda hosting, let alone agorics. But I guess any p2p libs are probably supported, although it would feel weird to use them from a personal server and it might not occur to replit users to promote their use.
@mauve @capyloon woah this is very rad, and multifaceted!