We've got a new release (2.8.2) of Agregore Desktop which brings "font-based" syntax highlighting to all Code Blocks and TextArea inputs
Here are the slides for my talk at #ForwardJS #Ottawa where I introduced folks to the #dweb
Feel free to reach out if you'd like me to present to your community!
Hello, everyone! 🎉 #PeerSky has joined the fediverse.
We've got a new version (v2.5.0) out which improves the look and feel along with fixes for the #Hypercore / #Holepunch protocol handlers.
Hey folks! We have a new round of tutorials and example apps out as well as updated `hyper://` docs. Read more on our blog: https://agregore.mauve.moe/blog/2023/12/demos-and-tutorials-second-round
Hey folks! We've published our first round of #web #tutorials using #Agregore and #IPFS
Learn how to build your own development environment from scratch, or how to make a theme editor to customize the look and feel of Agregore and any compatible web apps.
Check out this cool demo from @stardustxr on what it could look like to use a #p2p #web browser in #VR or #AR !
Imagine having your browser apps / feeds as windows around you spatially.
Stardust is still in it's early stages but you should absolutely check them out!
Version 2.2.3 is out now. We've reworked the welcome page, fixed some bugs with the renderer, and improved startup times.
Check it out on your OS of choice! 🥳
My pal BeanBoy put together a theme builder for @agregore and I tried cranking out a groady theme using it.
What's cool is that once you save the `.agregorerc` file to your home folder and restart, it'll get applied to all websites that import agregore://theme/style.css` for their default styling. For example: The https://agregore.mauve.moe website!
Agregore 2.2.0 just got released with improvements to load times and our extension system.
You can check out @mauve doing a live toot of their debugging here: https://mastodon.mauve.moe/@mauve/110340934453455969
Agregore got nominated for the #IPFS Implementations Fund. https://arcological.xyz/#ipfs-funds 🥳
Hey folks! The 2.0.0 release of #Agregore has been tagged and compiled! This features fixes for #MacOS, an upgraded #Hypercore-Protocol, and better support for #Gemini when loading it from #p2p protocols. This also involves an upgrade of Electron to 23 and an overhaul to using ESM for the #JavaScript back ends.
Download it and check it out for yourself!
My brain is kinda exhausted from first wrestling with Linux and Ansible automation, and then wrestling with JavaScript type hell in trying to get some p2p libraries to work.
Gonna decompress before bed by live-coding a lil #p2p #gemini #microblog in #agregore with some basic #JavaScript and #HTML
So if you haven't yet, try installing the latest pre-release of Agregore and follow along.
Just published this talk about my vision for Holistic Local-First Sofrware and the parts that can be brought together to make it real.
By the way, we've got new docs up on how to use the #IPFS protocol handlers in #Agregore which you can check out here: https://agregore.mauve.moe/docs/ipfs-protocol-handlers
All you need to get started is to install Agregore and open up the Dev Tools.
Hey folks! We've published our announcement blog post for the devgrant we've started to work on to add some tutorials and example apps to the Agregore website. You can read more about it here: https://agregore.mauve.moe/blog/2023/01/demos-and-tutorials-announcement
@agregore You can follow along in https://github.com/n0-computer/iroh/pull/499
Basic POST works, but no fancy multipart or PUT yet
Mixing the web with peer to peer protocols.
Ditch the cloud and make local-first apps within your browser.