K, backed up my home folder on my external drive. Time to attempt an fresh OS install and copy back the application data. 🤞

Migrating my Agregore history to my new OS install worked flawlessly so I don't need to log into everything again. :P

It seems that KDE+Manjaro freezes up super hard whenever I try to load element in it though. POP OS also let me know that the tab would get absolutely frozen and spike my CPU, but at least I could still interact with everything else. :P

Main changes so far were to make the terminal pop up with meta+t, installing Fira Code and setting it as my default font for everything, changing the "close current window" command to meta+q

Not sure how to get touchegg working to enable the multi finger gestures I'm used to with my magic trackpad 2.

Once I get some of this stuff figured out, I'll be setting up Kvantum with the Sweet theme to make it look all fancy and seethrough. store.kde.org/p/1294013/

Konsole is taking a bit of getting used to. It doesn't seem to be handling the Fira Code font ligatures, and it's not saving the new "profiles" I'm creating for some reason.

zsh seems pretty fancy, but honestly I might go back to bash and use my bashrc from Pop OS.

@mauve If you’re new to zsh check out “oh my zsh”. Plugins and neat tools and things for your shell!


@hank I dunno... My phylosophy with tooling is the less the better, so I think I'll just move away from it. 😅

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@mauve …Mauve remarked as they overhauled their entire operating system for funsies.

@hank Oh no, it's not for fun. There's a GNOME bug that's been forcing me to manually kill and reatart the shell like 4-5 times a day which I haven't had a chance to address for like half a year (or more actually).

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