Migrating my Agregore history to my new OS install worked flawlessly so I don't need to log into everything again. :P
It seems that KDE+Manjaro freezes up super hard whenever I try to load element in it though. POP OS also let me know that the tab would get absolutely frozen and spike my CPU, but at least I could still interact with everything else. :P
Main changes so far were to make the terminal pop up with meta+t, installing Fira Code and setting it as my default font for everything, changing the "close current window" command to meta+q
Not sure how to get touchegg working to enable the multi finger gestures I'm used to with my magic trackpad 2.
Once I get some of this stuff figured out, I'll be setting up Kvantum with the Sweet theme to make it look all fancy and seethrough. https://store.kde.org/p/1294013/