frustrated tech rants 

God. Why do I curse myself with trying to use Linux?

I've wasted like 30 minutes just trying to get KMail to send my invoices over gmail. After hours fiddling before it managed to download emails, but now this shit has got me totally exasperated.

Do people not use gmail to send emails on KDE typically? How is the UX such shit?

frustrated tech rants 

@mauve honestly couldn't tell you about KDE, but never had a problem in gnome.


frustrated tech rants 

@rogersherman I think the main culprit here is Google trying to force me to jump through a dozen hoops to use a mail client with raw SMTP/POP3. 🫠

Had to give Google my phone number to enable 2fa so I could register my authenticator app so I could remove the phone number and then create an "app password" and configure my mail client to use that.

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frustrated tech rants 

@mauve it does sound hellish. ;-)

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