I think I've finally seen the light of the .

I think web browsers should give users a way to register apps to handle displaying certain schema types.

E.g. if I open an ActivityStream URL, the browser should load my preferred client in the same way that clicking a PDF in my filesystem will open up my PDF viewer.

Users would then be able to bring their own interfaces to data instead of relying on some closed source proprietary app interface.

Also opens the door to mixing data

@mauve This would be a big accessibility and customizability win.

Also having some selection of domain-specific clients (aside from a generic browser) makes it easy to create content while leaving styling and navigation to the user. I would love to one day switch browser tabs without getting blinded by a light theme.

Though I never made the connection between this idea and semantic web. Semantic web for me triggers ideas of "knowledge graphs everywhere! Zettelkasten kugelschreiber!!"


@bojan Yeah! I'm really excited by the prospect of having this stuff integrated in to @agregore somehow.

I think an API along the lines of Navigator.reigsetProtocolHandler but for content types and or RDF schema types would be very doable here.


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