Just loaded my first site published to the new version of distributed.press with proper and support!

The DNSLink stuff is a bit iffy for hypercore, but I'll be fixing that up tomorrow.

Now stuff can be published via Distributed Press, and viewed via @agregore

What's cool is that in addition to keeping your content online, you can easily configure it to set up DNS keys for you by delegating with an NS DNS entry for the `_dnslink` subdomain on your domain.

I'll be making a demo video of how this works next week to share around.

Our next steps are going to be integrating so that blogs published to the can have a way to have comments left of them while sticking to static site generation!

Maybe soon we'll also have and support via microservices that build on top of Distributed Press.


If you're excited to try stuff right away before we actually have docs out, we've got our latest code in the `v1-staging` branch which contains some Ansible scripts to deploy to your own VM.

If you've got 5 bucks a month to spare, you can get it running on a digital ocean droplet and start hosting your sites.


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