My brain is kinda exhausted from first wrestling with Linux and Ansible automation, and then wrestling with JavaScript type hell in trying to get some p2p libraries to work.
Gonna decompress before bed by live-coding a lil #p2p #gemini #microblog in #agregore with some basic #JavaScript and #HTML
So if you haven't yet, try installing the latest pre-release of Agregore and follow along.
First, I'm going to create a new #hypercore based website. This used to be called #dat and I think is now called (all very hard to search for :P ).
You can find the docs for the protocol handlers here:
Next I'm going to use the `fetch()` API to create a new `hyper://` website based on a "pet name" for the key. Every time I use this human readable name it will resolve to the same human-unreadable public key URL.
I got back hyper://sqtc3rcay8hcg3y8ehcrc66zpiceufstcwupukrggf5eukwp7xdo/ which is the public URL for my new site (currently empty)
res = await fetch('hyper://localhost/?key=gemblog', {method: 'POST'})
await res.text()
Honestly, this is all you need to get a basic blog up and running. From here you an change the URL in the `fetch()` API call to whatever page you want and add the gemtext into the `body`. Each time you'll be overwriting what was there before.
Whoops! I got the file extension wrong. Seems it's just loading it as Markdown. :P Most of the formatting works anyway. Hopefully folks looking at this in the future will see the fixed version. Also I think I got the file extension wrong?
Now that I have some basics in there, lemme add a DNS address: hyper://
I use namecheap for DNS but you should be able to use whatever you want as long as it supports DNS TXT records.
TXT _dnslink.gem dnslink=/hyper/sqtc3rcay8hcg3y8ehcrc66zpiceufstcwupukrggf5eukwp7xdo
And bam! I now have a nice looking URL for my blog and it just took a few commands in my devtools and a single DNS record. No servers required!
K, lets delete the old file and make a new one:
await fetch('README.gemini', {method: 'delete'})
await fetch('/index.gmi', {
method: 'PUT',
body: `
# Mauve's Gemblog!
Wow this sure is something.
Way more advanced than my HTML based blog!