Sent an email to the library coordinator about running a workshop.

Gonna focus on teaching folks how to use Devtools to mess with websites and create bookmarklets to persist changes.

I wish web browsers had kept built in user scripts as a feature so that everyone could edit their experiences more easily.

@mauve @macdonst Arc browser for Mac is trying to do this with their boost feature. If you’re on Mac you should check it out.

@tnypxl Yeah I was actually considering doing a workshop using my own browser, @agregore, which would also bring a way to create and share content offline and on local networks.

I decided to go with standard browsers because I wanted to support people without access to fancy computers like kids that only have the chromebooks their schools provide them.

Apple-only projects in particular are kinda uninteresting to me since it excludes a lot of people.

Arc is defs cool though!

@mauve They have plans for a windows version, but it’s a long ways away. But I agree, definitely better to stick with the mainstream browsers!

@tnypxl One thing too with the dev tools approach is I could get folks with shitty Android tablets to be able to install and use their devtools if they don't have access to a "real" computer. :o

@mauve It’s stuff like this that keep me paying attention to Android.


@tnypxl Yeah! I'm excited for the EU to bust Apple's browswr engine monopoly too so we can have projects like this existing in that space too :)

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