Fug, I think I am a cranky old fart type already because I like to write code closer to the metal instead of using all the fancy new tooling.
Maybe I should swallow my pride and install vscode and try copilot or whatever it is kids these days are using.
Also I'm still using nano for all my text editing so I might be imposing a deeper limitation on myself than most minimalists. :P
@j3rn @mauve Have you had a look at Fleng? It's parlog only moreso :)
@mauve @j3rn I doubt it, it's based on an idea that was largely forgotten by industry.
I recommend having a read of: http://www.call-with-current-continuation.org/articles/the-joy-of-concurrent-logic-programming.txt
@neauoire Yeah it'd be neat to do compilers or parsers or transformations over top of this stuff. The part about how to do concurrent streams is interesting.
@j3rn @neauoire Mobile is the worst part in my experience! I'll take a thousand "python module version mismatch" issues over an xcode upgrade 🤣
Neat! What sort of stuff do you even use it for? I've only really looked into it as a curiocity since my job is mostly shoveling bytes around in weird ways rather than working with data.
@mauve @neauoire Almost exclusively for puzzle solvers, so far. I wrote a 2x2 Rubik's Cube solver which is fine, though slow. I originally wanted to extend it to 3x3, but if the 2x2 version takes 5 minutes to run, so...
Recently I wrote a solver for the game Letter Boxed. That program can check your solution in milliseconds, but I don't think it's ever successfully computed a solution even when given 30m to run.
I don't use any logic programming for work—unless you count SQL constraints 😁
@j3rn Siiick. Is your source published for those? Would love to read it.
@mauve Absolutely!
Let me know if you find any performance improvements! 😁
@mauve Yes, exactly! The whole "people keep changing things and now my stuff is broken" idea is actually something I hadn't been able to fully articulate until I saw @neauoire's talk at Strange Loop this year, but I now see it everywhere!
I've done a little Prolog—and it's fun!—but my programs are always super slow and there's always these little idiosyncrasies in the language that annoy me. I've been thinking about trying miniKanren or datalog for my next logic programming project.