
tech vent 

All the graphical email clients suck and they either use gigabytes of ram or don't support basic shit like using DNS SRV records to lookup server info for account setup. Usually both plus some extra bullshit. I'm going joker mode and dropping everything until I have my own client.

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tech vent 

I think I am particulrly sensitive to my information streams being disrupted because I am very much a cyborg and these are my sensory organs that are suddenly being ripped out.

re: tech vent 

@mauve we feel this pretty hard — we can sort of sense what's going on in a network by vibes, and when an upstream router is cutting off a LAN, it gets kinda... claustrophobic

re: tech vent 

@mauve a huge problem here is IMAP blows — we have this elaborate setup using Notmuch Mail and goddamn emacs over SSH to read our email on our macbook, when it gets delivered to and lives on our freebsd box in the basement

re: tech vent 

@mauve i understand completely! although our needs surely differ i went down a similar rabbit hole which ended up at

i bet you will build something awesome :3

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