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I think my philosophy when making software is that it should work for people with zero money or no bank account / credit card.

I know it's not a popular mindset to be in since money and profit is everything in the tech world.

I think it comes from growing up as a kid with no disposable income or access to anything but my shitty computer.

I'd rather support people with almost nothing than people with latest and greatest tech gizmos and spare cash for subscription services. 😅

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Thread of stuff I wanna buy. Will "like" my own toot if I get it.

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I'm gonna use this yhread as a way to keep track of links to read and like my own posts when I get around to them.

Got the Goat Simulator remaster. I love this series so much 🥰

Picovoice would be so great if they didn't have all these restrictions for personal use. Needing internet and tiny amounts of "minutes per month" (for locally processed audio mind you) is unfortunate.

Gotta mute all references to on here. Few things fill me with as much rage as articles that bait and switch to "You need to make an account and use an app to read this". Writers that use medium for publishing: Fuck you, but only a little.

Low key love identifying race conditions in decentralized systems 🥰

I increasingly think that what we culturally conceptualize as being a programmer is a lot less about knowing or using a programming language and a lot more about knowing how to use the whole computer instead of just the parts that have been nicely packaged for you by the corpos or volunteers

we've seen things you people wouldn't believe — shell scripts piping `openssl smime` through an HTTP tunnel. push-mode kerberos propagation across 7 zones worth of replicas. `iptables` rules that, over 24 hours, dropped 96 gigabytes of DNS traffic. all these moments will be lost, like tweets in rain

Source code version control is actually such an amazing tool. I wish other industries had similar uses. Like, I'd love to be able to do the equivalent of git blame for 3D objects or vector graphics and see what else changed for that version and trace the "why" for the change.

I'm getting more acquainted with this codebase and seeing where a particular line got added in the history can make such a difference.


My only solace in seeing the world ripped apart by greed is knowing that the profiteers will all die just like the everyone else. They're spending their life maxizing profit but it'll ultimately be for nothing as they're sitting at death's door.

Here's another tip:
Create a 2GB "sacrificial" file for your volumes. When the disk fills up and your system locks up, kill it and run your cleanup scripts. It's helped me get out of a bind a few times now.

dd if=/dev/urandom of=sacrifice.txt bs=1M count=2048

rm sacrifice.txt

Hit that bell icon for more techromancy tips and cyberlifehacks

Android 從一開始就不是我們在初入 21 世紀時認知的那種 open source,不要再對這種巨頭有什麼奇怪的開放文化幻想了

Noble causes struggle with banking regulations and face financial censorship from governments and companies.

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My matrix server got full of crap but the admin panel only allows deleting 250 media entries at a time. Luckily I could look at the API calls the app was making in devtools as I manually performed a delete and now I have these 30k spam entries getting purged in a while loop 🥰

Reminds me of when I acidentally deleted my entire client's notion DB and made a script to restore everything one item at a time 💀

If enough people learn how to do something, it protects those that don't know how to, this is known as nerd immunity

New secret code: if you see someone irl you think might be on Mastodon, nonchalantly ask them if they know Nicole from Toronto.

Next.js dropped a CVSS 9.1 authentication bypass vulnerability (CVE-2025-29927) over the weekend. This flaw is trivially exploitable by sending the header `x-middleware-subrequest: true` and causes the request to skip all middleware processing, including any authentication steps.

Shodan reports over 300,000 services with the `X-Powered-By: Next.js` header alone.

You can find links to the advisory and queries for runZero at:

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.