Super excited that our new implementation, the has got it's official announcement out! If you want to add or support to your existing site, do hit us up! :)

You can also load the post using ipns://

or open it in your preferred fediverse instance after following @dripline

@mauve @dripline glad to see its loading! Still got a ways to go to get formatting working right in different clients (Yes this is mostly a mastodon problem). this is what it looks like in @tootapp

oh one thing I noticed @mauve was that this post didnt show up on my feed even though I was already following the account, but it did when I searched for the canonical url of the post. I did notice I was following the account from when it has a different name then dripline and the name changed when I manually loaded the post

@liaizon Ah! Did you follow it when it was called @dripline maybe? We recently renamed it to dripline since we'll be hosting multiple blogs on that domain soon.

Sadly getting posts to show up on mastodon can be iffy still.

@mauve @dripline I had followed it *before* it was renamed dripline.


@liaizon Yeah we did a bunch of back end changes before the announcements so that's probably why it got messed up. 😅 But subsequent follows should be stable now that we're fully released. We also switched from our staging to our production version at one point. In the future we'll figure out how to cleanly move accounts using `sameAs` or some such.

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