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K, lets delete the old file and make a new one:

await fetch('README.gemini', {method: 'delete'})
await fetch('/index.gmi', {
method: 'PUT',
body: `
# Mauve's Gemblog!
Wow this sure is something.
Way more advanced than my HTML based blog!



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Navigating to the URL will give me an empty index. So first thing I'll do is add my "homepage" under `/README.gemini`. Sadly I don't have a thing to resolve `index.gemini` yet, but I wanna add that next time I get a chance. Gonna read these docs to brush up on my gemtext: gemini://gemini.circumlunar.sp

res = await fetch('/README.gemini', {
method: 'PUT',
body: `# Mauve's Gemblog!`
await res.text()

Now I can reload and click to open the page

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Next I'm going to use the `fetch()` API to create a new `hyper://` website based on a "pet name" for the key. Every time I use this human readable name it will resolve to the same human-unreadable public key URL.

I got back hyper://sqtc3rcay8hcg3y8ehcrc66zpiceufstcwupukrggf5eukwp7xdo/ which is the public URL for my new site (currently empty)

res = await fetch('hyper://localhost/?key=gemblog', {method: 'POST'})
await res.text()

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First thing I'm gonna do is open agregore://welcome to get a fresh page and hit ctrl+shift+i to open up the devtools. You can also use `File > Open Dev Tools` or right click on the page and hit `Inspect`.

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My goat is now a fairy. 🥰

Honestly hard to make an image caption that captures this majesty

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My goatsona. Purple hotrod fur, fairy wings to fly around, extra horns, skull mask to summon more goat friends, and taco shoes for fart jumps. 😎😎😎

PS1='\[\033[01;31m\][\h\[\033[01;36m\] \W\[\033[01;31m\]]\$\[\033[00m\] '
I use this to make my terminal prompt look a bit more colorful. (set in my .bashrc)

Also I use this to make it easier to copy data and open files / folders.

alias clip='xclip -selection clipboard'
alias open='xdg-open'

Not having my entire window manager freeze when I close a terminal is a huge productivity boost so far. 🤪

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Yeah, not sure *what* I'm doing, but it almost looks like something?

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Eeee, very excited to play the new kingdom of loathing game!


Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.