I'm getting a lot of mileage out of the "strange and esoteric" filter.

Might just make it a permanent addition. Can't be too much slower than the average ad blocker free page load.

Original thread: mastodon.mauve.moe/web/@freaka

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Fun example in the app I made for it. The message the LLM actually interpreted can be seen when you mouse over. I should find a name for a simulation of the experience of being misunderstood.

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Captured the first (public) words of Hypha's bot Roo. He's been helping us track bookmarks and holidays but today marks the first day he can actually talk to us. Our next steps are going to involve wiring him into our information sources and teaching him new tricks.

I'll need to play with it more but hopefully this could be an easy alternative to the cloud based AIs with cloud based "artifacts".

With Agregore you can generate the app entirely offline and publish it to the and keep a lil library of built apps for reference.

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Finally got around to updating my waybar config to have a thingie to show the current phase of the moon. 🥰

Finally set up my GPD for actually playing games. Been in a Sonic the Hedgehog mood lately

This audio book trained TTS gets some sort of brain spasm when it encounters characters or words it can't easily pronounce. Feels like they should have trained it on IPA instead of regular token streams.

Here's what happened when I tried to get it to say a few tongue twisters ripped from wikipedia. It sounds drunk or like it's language center is being put through a blender.


OwO What's this? A new way to read through posts on the fediverse?

Come chat with us about it at the

My setup. 🥰 It feels more dense but it's way easier to hold in one hand than a steam deck. Also bought the GSM module so hopefully I can get a data sim into it >:)

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It's super janky so far but here's the code: github.com/RangerMauve/shell-c

Gonna add "command history" and opening multiple windows.

Also gonna wire up the agregore theme API to it for customization. :P

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I gave myself the gift of an improved controller layout.

now I should be able to navigate more efficiently as well as have some bindings that I didn't have enough buttons for before.

now I just need to train the new muscle memory.

Hah, I love how this diagram turned out but it sucks that there's no easier way to make it screen reader friendly.

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this is fine meme with disturbing imagery 

Honestly KC Green is my favorite webcomic artist. I think he portrays the dread and despair really well in addition to his goofy jokes.

I wish he got more respect and recognition for his work.

Gonna audibly yell "ho ho ho you've been naughty" when I attack raiders.

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.