@kris I found this video on youtube which is what got me into this again. Also saw some vids of them doing programming which is my main use case for keyboards. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVzi4fDzxq0
@j3rn Pirate some games/demoware and share then around. I got a lot of mileage out of an Unreal Tournament CD I used to share around.
9. I saw this in the past but the new wearable setup makes it a lot more appealing to my use case. Might getone eventually and see if it helps with the eternal hand pain more :P
@spiralganglion Big same. Often to turn on accessibility options that are off by default :P
@garbados I'm personally rooting for the squirrels and the corvids
@garbados Ah fair fair. Yeah like hydro electric couls be abother good power source if we can manufacture everything without oil. I guess I just wonder if the next iteration of intelligent life after humans die off will have a good chance or not. They can probs scavange material from our ruins and trash but the lack of easy combustions worries me sometimes.
@rmond do they give a decent charge? I have no clue what types of matrrials are used in solar panels sadly. Though looked into tradeoffs between layouts and orientation relative to the sun's path.
@garbados My knowledge is a bit higher than that, maybe at the level of some of the types of chemicals and physical layouts. Is this related to the solar panels still or an altetnative to needing oil?
@skryking If those are irreplaceable by other materials than a society without access to oil would be pretty screwed 😅
@garbados very little. Just the basics of how batteries work for powering basic circuits.
It's even more fun when the instance out is me and then I have to decide when in my schedule I'm gonna fit in fixing postgres. 🤪
For anyone curious, here's the published example app. Set up ollama and Agregore and you're good to go!
I'm getting a lot of mileage out of the "strange and esoteric" filter.
Might just make it a permanent addition. Can't be too much slower than the average ad blocker free page load.
Original thread: https://mastodon.mauve.moe/web/@freakazoid@retro.social/113807220184182262
Facebook and misinformation.
@CyberpunkLibrarian Social media is so funny cus like, they somehow managed to trick users into writing all the content for them, now they want us to be the mods? What's next, we're supposed to host the site too? Actually, come think of it, that's just Mastodon...
@freakazoid Yeah that's kinda what I do, I have the model output some specific text then I turn it into something machine readable. e.g. this code for generating the html/css/js for a page: https://github.com/RangerMauve/llm-appgen/blob/default/index.html#L80
Occult Enby that's making local-first software with peer to peer protocols, mesh networks, and the web.
Exploring what a local-first cyberspace might look like in my spare time.