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@boris Yeah defs not saying people shouldn't go the wasm route. More that I only see that direction and almost non of the other. I think the closest I see is Solid data pods but that still leaves much to be desired IMO (e.g. efficient querying, general DX).

A big caveat is the data should be queryable. I feel like GraphQL made some progress back in the day but there wasn't enough standardizing on UIs and reusing schemas. It ended up just being used by servers and single app specific UIs.

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While some folks are trying to move towards "Lets put everything into WASM and WebGPU" I wish more folks would move towards "Lets put everything into standard data formats and let users bring their UI to the data more easily".

@danie10 Honestly I might make my own thing instead. Been toying with this app I wanna make that will combine all my information sources in one place and make then queryable in a coherent interface.

Low key miss the default mail and calendar apps that came with Windows 7. I think that was my peak in terms of email management.

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You know I'm kinda hard on Thunderbird, but so far it's been way more stable (and memory efficient) than Evolution and KOrganizer which is what I used before.

@makeworld I should get a paywall detector into my AP client or skmething :P

I am blown away by the quality and comprehensive nature of the eXo projects--especially eXoDOS with its related books, magazines, and soundtracks. Why did it take me so long to pay attention to this resource?

Granted, it takes a commitment to download ~2TB of data but what a preservation accomplishment. With projects for DOS, Windows 3.x, edutainment titles, Scumm-based games, LucasArts-games, and the Apple IIGS, this project focuses on playability, and it delivers.

Yeah I think I am an "Own over rent" person in most aspects of my life.

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Oh no, I think I want a petabyte of storage at home 😵 Like I want to have multiple copies of wikipedia locally to perform various data transformations on, but I'm so limited by space. If abytbing I can let the conpute run for stuff like that over a week if needed but I just don't want to deal with doing this stuff in the cloud. I think I hate subacription services and just prefer upfront stuff I can have forever?

Love through sacrifice is such a self defeating approach when you are outside of a life or death environment. The sacrifice gets mistaken for love inside and otber forms of loving can be so easily forgotten and the sacrifice may not always feel like love to the reciever in the first place.

Really liking the new spongebob game. Reminds me of the fun parts of crash bandicoot on the ps1 with some of the fun exploration of spyro. Honestly platformers are some of my fave titles to this day.

Food (positive) 

goal for the weekend: get hotpot with the polycule 🥰

If you play the distress call of a baby raccoon on your phone, it will attract a mother raccoon who will take you back to her den to raise you and now you're living the good life

@codinghorror god I love this story.

In programming, it directly translates to “any sufficiently powerful model is inherently incomplete”. And boy howdy have I felt that.

But it’s also clarifying: you can save a helluva lot of time if you design for your model’s imperfections rather than demanding they not exist.

If you’re a fan of Gödel… hopefully you’ve read Gödel Escher Bach?

Phi2 is dumb but it's kinda cute how it randomly makes up word problems for itself to solve instead of doing what you tell it to. I tried getting it to do a function call but it was like "nope haha I don't know how to do that. I'm gonna make up a math problem instead and start trying to solve it"

Note to self: Dolphin models are brainrot to LLMs. No wonder my dolphin-phi was unable to think for more than a few sentences

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.