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@hrefna That's the sort of approach we're taking at

If you're going to be at rue fediforum tomorrow we're planning to have a session to get more into the details :)

Right now we've split the content/publishing/serving/inbox/reading into different components that can be mixed and matched

Doing some final crunch to wrap up a milestone. Bedouin Records is probs my fave label right now in terms of music to get me in the zone.

In the end, it's the people who make social media, not the protocols. Protocols should work to improve user agency.

Dang. I guess LLM folks don't usually audit and QA their training sets? This one just trains the model to output invalid json all over the place 💀

A content warning here // Demo post 

@demo-internal-1 Wow another test!

Distributed Press is at Fediforum this week! 

We're thrilled to be at Fediforum this week to present our latest tools! For the past year, we've been working on bringing distributed hosting to the Fediverse, to create better, more customizable social interactions built atop ActivityPub.

Come check out our talk on Wednesday March 20 in the morning, around 8:30am PT / 11:30am ET (the overall schedule is here).

Here's a sneak peek of our presentation:

No-code publishing to the distributed web: Sutty CMS is a graphical, user-friendly interface for static Jekyll-based websites. With a click on a toggle, you can publish your websites to IPFS, Hypercore, and of course, HTTP.
Social Inbox: Publish a profile and post your website's contents directly to the Fediverse. Other accounts can follow your websites, and replies to your Fedi posts can be moderated and published on your for sites through a back-end moderation panel on the Sutty CMS. It also allows instance-level allow lists and block lists. We've automated announcements so others can easily subscribe and follow your website posts on the Fediverse.
Social Reader: A new ActivityPub client that supports natively loading published data over p2p protocols, skipping the need for always-online HTTP servers for accessing content. It also gives you more precise controls over the content that you interact with.

We'd love to connect with you!

Especially if you're building or strategizing around:

Payments and sustainable funding on the Fediverse
Peer-to-peer and distributed publishing
Fediverse adoption by medium to large organizations

Hope to meet some of you there!

TBH I think lately I have been more into moving data around than computing over the data. I am pretty happy with it but also I worry it is limiting my potential applications of my knowledge.

A content warning here // Demo post 

@demo-internal-1 May I be approved in the moderation queue?

A content warning here // Demo post 

@demo-internal-1 Wow so cool. What a demo 😎

@brandon Also been considering getting a rokid station and doing code within Termux or UserLAnd which is what I ended up doing with my Quest 1 back in the day

@brandon That's great to hear! Glad it's sparked something for you. I've since replaced my steam deck with a gpd win 4 whoch has a built in keyboard and is lighter and more powerful. It also has a gsm module but I haven't gotten to getting a sim for that yet

@brandon @mcc How has the Tap XR been for you? I found the Tap Strap 2 kinda useless in the end because I couldn't set up all the key combos I needed for my daily use.

I was noticing many weird, histrionic posts from the Apple blogs about an ex-employee being convicted of a federal crime - but always smearing the employee about worrying about Apple spying on him. Many posts also called it a "short trial." I got curious.

PACER showed a 21 month long trial, across two states, with over 180 docket entries. Motions to suppress evidence exposed the FBI illegally spied on the employee, illegally searched his property, & illegally arrested him -at referral of Apple.

Wall Street has consolidated into 5 giant banks.

Airlines have merged from 12 major carriers in 1980 to 4 today.

A handful of companies control the pharmaceutical industry.

Four giants control over 80% of meat processing.

The evidence of corporate concentration is everywhere.

hmm maybe this is my sign to add a "open in reader mode by default" flag to Agregore.

Computer? I hardly know 'er!

For real I am excited to buy a large canvas to do some spray paint art on

The effective federal corporate income tax rate:

1950: 50%
1990: 25%
2020: 13%

Stop asking "but how we will pay for it?" Restore the corporate tax rate.

That is how we will pay for it.

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.