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Food (fun) 

OMG the pasta I added absorbed all the broth and now it's more like "Mac & Radishes".

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Web 2.0: @handle
Web 3.0: @handle@domain.tld

Food (fun) 

Added some radishes to my soup for the first time. I cooked them a bit too long and they disintegrate when you eat them but that's kinda fun too

@queue @FediPact @vantablack I wonder if they'd be willing to open source their implementation so they can dodge accusations more effectively.

Reminder to anyone who said "Meta wouldn't do anything to Fediverse, we should let them join!"

Meta is now automatically muting all posts that mention PixelFed, so it's users can't read about any alternatives to its services.

Just remember, *Every time advocacy groups warn about tech/capitalism, believe them.* We don't make shit up, we use history of actions and facts to state our reasons to be against it.

If your instance isn't part of @FediPact please urge your admins to join or move to another instance who is.

And if you want proof, ask the general public what Jabber/XMPP was, and then ask what Google how they killed it.

EDIT: *Please* send support to the creator of the FediPact, @vantablack as she is homeless. This is possible because of them.

EDIT #2: Some peppe are saying it doesn't happen anymore, but since it *only* happened to competitors to Facebook and only *after* people noticed, I don't think it was a "bug" that only impacted FOSS replacements, but a feature for Facebook removed. Don't give these Zuckers gaslight and think they remain innocent.

#fedipact #meta #pixelfed #eff

@hobs I think so, personally. It already makes use of IndexedDB for storing all the data so I'm not sure what is even taking up so much memory. Sadly I don't have the time to take heap snapshots

@fredy_pferdi Alas! It's still worth it for me to not have to use Windows or a regular laptop :P

I wish Element didn't load such a huge amount of data in memory and instead fetched it from indexed db on demand. It's bonkers how much is loaded as your volume grows.

@fredy_pferdi Yeah the issue is my Matrix client ends up eating way too much RAM and then I start eating swap. Might also have a memory leak somewhere in my OS wasting RAM after going out of sleep mode

@fredy_pferdi It hooks into your entire OS. I use with a custom script to make it easier to code

Since my OS is a steam OS derivative I needed to be fancy and install it in userspace:

Then I have a global shortcut to toggle it on/off

@fredy_pferdi Cool TY, I found the HSA_OVERRIDE online and it ended up working great in my ubuntu container. 😁 Wish I had this for last night's demo! Also I don't have nearly enough RAM on this thing with 16 GB. TT_TT

@fredy_pferdi Spoke too soon, ollama dies when I try to load the model. Will need to mess with it another day :) TY again for the tip.

@fredy_pferdi Oh that's great to know TY. I'll look into it. Is this going to use Vulkan for the GPU acceleration? I wasn't sure what my options would be since Ollama seems to only support Cuda and Metal

@fredy_pferdi Yeah exactly! I'm running on it in desktop mode. Lately been thinking of just installing Manjaro on it instead since the steam bits are a bit janky for me.

Job alert: @hyphacoop is hiring a Business Development Lead, on contract for April-June 2024 for our sister project Distributed Press! #cooperatives #jobs #dweb

Me, an idiot: “So, kids, by setting the thermostat a little lower and eating less meat, we’re doing our part to make the world more sustainable”

VCs, very smart: “We just raised $100 billion dollars from the sovereign wealth funds of three petrostates to build the world’s largest AI supercomputer. It uses as much power and water as Guatemala and the primary use case is for management consultants to autogenerate powerpoints for justifying mass layoffs.”

@fleeky Oh yeah! My mind goblin demo uses JavaScript so you could use any javascript function that takes json and outputs json

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.