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@hrefna I care if you have an impl or not because it changes where the critique comes from. The pain from having to get AP to work is pretty specific IMO :P I ask for source code because it is my preferred way of looking at systems rather than docs or talking. 😅

I like the diagrams you made for featherpub. May I share this around to some colleagues?

I notice the synthesis talks about what doesn't get used but doesn't have a new spec with what does. Will you be adding your spec in there?

@hrefna Apologies if I have upset you, this was not my intention. It was not obvious to me from your post that your implementation was among your links. I had thought it was all compatibility and example docs. I'll read the links in more detail now. TY!

@hrefna so sorry, do you have an implementation you're working on or are you working on something that's a competitor to AP which you feel is better made?

@hrefna Do you have an implementation you've worked on where you've come accross issues like these? I'd love to see your source code. Especially if you can point to impls that lead to these issues occuring at all. In my experience I have not had to account for an Undo of a Create or anything wild like that.

you can build a simple, maintainable website that serves zero JS by using nonstandard tooling (like Preact/Astro) on the server.

you cannot do the same by following web standards. that just makes me sad.


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Spent a few mins today to fix up some more key bindings. Resizing windows is now easier with just my controller bindings and I can use my select/start keys for copy-paste in my terminal. Also alt+esc instead of ctrl+c for signal interrupt.

@darius @trwnh @jenniferplusplus @thisismissem I think I'd rather "spam" the timeline with a few posts in a row than have users miss those posts forever. Maybe we can increase the interval between posts for backfill to limit "spam", but not having them at all is awful UX for anyone trying to read stuff on the fediverse.

@jenniferplusplus @darius @trwnh @thisismissem Are you sure? I have yet to see this happen in any impls. We did it in specifically because nobody else seemed to be doing it which is a major PITA for me. :P

@thisismissem It seems to be taking the created_at part out at least. 🤔

I'll look more after testing. Gonna let my personal instance take the bulk o9f the damage :P

@jalcine Yeah! It's fun. Been daily driving it for a few months nkw

@thisismissem In mastodon? i'd love to see the source code for it if you know what part of it it'd be in.

@thisismissem I assumed timelines would sort by published time no? I'm gonna run some tests before deploying this to production ofc

@jackdaw_ruiz Me but whenever I have to leave the command line to poke some sort of "app" or dismissing yet another banner/popup on a website. ☝️🤓

Simulating network requests to test a new feature in @distributed

You know how when you follow an account on Mastodon you don't get to see any of the users older posts unless someone else on your instance follows them? Well if it's a distributed press site it'll attempt to "backfill" your instance with all the older posts once your follow request is accepted. 😎


I thought THIS was the "dork web" we were on right now?

The cats are having their 1 AM wrestling match / speed race accross my bed. 🥰

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.