Social Reader is out!
@dripline This is a test reply
Tried generating APL but I think I can't trust any code that I can't audit :P
Might make more sense to practice my "write comments and prompt to convert to code" approach instead so I'm still the one "solving" and leave the syntax to the LLM.
At the same time, people are generally boring, admins are generally ethical, and snooping takes *work*. I've dug into the database to look at DMs once (?) in five years, and that was at the specific user's request. I've also been inside the surveillance capitalism sausage factory: corporate snooping is both far more invasive than most people realize, and also *ridiculously* lossy/noisy. We don't have the resources to fight a subpoena, but also no government has *bothered* to ask for our data.
@sarajw One way to check is to view the accessibility tree in your browser's devtools. It should show you the same structure a screen reader would see.
Maybe this year for #AdventOfCode I should use an LLM programming tool like Aider to solve the problems and see if it's able to do any of them.
tech ramble
One thing I like about the MST paper is the focus on sparse replication of CRDTs which I think is crucial to consider for any sort of distributed application that wants to do CRDTs for their data model with a large ish number of "documents" to modify. One thing MSTs don't help with is compaction of CRDT data to help deal with long histories. Unsure how one would best address that tho.
tech ramble
Bruh. Prolly Trees are just so much easier to use than Merkle Search Trees. Just the construction alone ends up being so much more simple.
Like, just reading the overview from Aaron Boodman is so much easier than the MST paper and construction/updating/reading is so much easier.
IMO ease + sequential reads are more important than "layers" being similar sizes and containing items.
MSTs are a step up from the CHAMP/HAMT craze though.
@GeeksLoveDetail I'm writing a report that involves doing Big O notation of various merkle trees and I'm hella rusty.
Tiny Privacy Tip 👁️🔒✨:
Biometric data is one of the
most sensitive type of data you have.
You cannot change biometric data like you can change a password.
If your password gets leaked,
you can change it easily 🔑🔑🔑🔑
If your email gets leaked,
it's a pain but you can change it ✉️✉️✉️
If your phone number gets leaked,
it's an even bigger pain but you still can change it 📞📞
But when your fingerprints, facial print, voice print, keystroke pattern get leaked?
It's game over ☠️
You cannot change any of these.
You should be extremely careful about where you are sharing your biometric data and how it is protected.
For all biometrics,
preventive protection is vital.
@nuke Yeah I think it's just hard for devs to properly deal with the sandboxing, especially when stuff like GNOME reads from user dirs for stuff like styling and configs. Flatpak is like adding a whole extra OS in your system with it's own deep hole of config issues. 😅
Here's a "typical Western attitude" that most of us are utterly unaware of: social systems are either hierarchical or horizontal; they either have strong states and laws or they don't.
Actual people, however, living their actual lives in the actual world do not seem to agree with this sentiment, and have never had any problem adapting different ways of interacting at different times of year or different places in the landscape. Political theorists should probably be taking this into account.
I feel like the older I get, the more I resent manipulation of all kinds. Like, not that I'm more immune to it, just that it pisses me off more and more once I recognize it. Advertising, sales tactics, rhetorical techniques, dark patterns - all of it just feeling ever more cynical & obnoxious to me.
Occult Enby that's making local-first software with peer to peer protocols, mesh networks, and the web.
Exploring what a local-first cyberspace might look like in my spare time.